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General Information

Vaccination in Austria

In Austria, vaccination against COVID-19 is available for everyone free of cost. You can get the vaccine at doctors' offices, vaccination centres and other locations. Talk to your doctor or your health care provider about COVID-19 and the vaccination against it.

Information and documentation forms for vaccinations

Informative, non-authoritative translation! Don't fill in!

Recommendations for travellers

Up-to-date information regarding safety risks and travel warnings is available on the website of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Current Case and Vaccination Figures

Current vaccination figures for Austria are available on the official Vaccination Dashboard.

International Information

Re-naming of the illness and the virus

On 11.02.2020, the WHO announced the official name of the illness: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). The name of the virus was changed from 2019-nCoV to SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2).

Last update: 18 April 2023