Victims of crime
The Victims of Crime Act regulates the entitlements of persons who are victims of a criminal act.
Those entitled include EU and European Economic Areas (EEA) citizens and persons who are staying legally in Austria and have suffered physical injury or damage to their health, and if the case involves a deliberate criminal act which carries a sentence of more than six months imprisonment. Surviving dependants are also entitled to benefits if the offence caused the death of the victim.
Benefits are excluded if, for example, the victim or the surviving dependant were involved in the offence, provoked the offender, or culpably failed to cooperate in clearing up the crime.
Benefits in accordance with the Victims of Crime Act include the reimbursement of lost income, therapeutic care, orthopaedic care or the replacement of damaged health aids such as glasses or dentures. A complete list of all the benefits for victims and surviving dependants as well as further information on the application deadlines and application forms can be found on the pages of the Sozialministeriumsservice.